


Zevo Speech Analytics for Contact Centers is a fully featured product for analyzing customer support calls. All call recordings get accurately transcribed and analyzed using AI that inspects both the audio and the transcript to extract sentiment plus other metrics and entities. The annotated calls can then be queried from the reporting Web UI and details of individual calls can be quickly reviewed.

Script compliance

Zevo Speech Analytics estimates how close your call operators followed the pre-designed script when calling to promote your products or services.

Script compliance

Zevo Speech Analytics estimates how close your call operators followed the pre-designed script when calling to promote your products or services.

Operator evaluation

Get deeper insights and evaluate your call operators by analyzing all their calls, not by merely sampling through their interactions.

Operator evaluation

Get deeper insights and evaluate your call operators by analyzing all their calls, not by merely sampling through their interactions.

Identify complaints

Identify problems expressed recurrently by your customers pointing you to critical issues of your business!

Identify complaints

Identify problems expressed recurrently by your customers pointing you to critical issues of your business!

Customer satisfaction

Analyze your customers' emotions using both what they say and how they say it, offering an important tool to estimate NPS.

Customer satisfaction

Analyze your customers' emotions using both what they say and how they say it, offering an important tool to estimate NPS.

Custom acoustic models

Customize your acoustic models to include utterances related to industry jargon, speaker style and accents.

Custom acoustic models

Customize your acoustic models to include utterances related to industry jargon, speaker style and accents.

Edge deployment

Our solutions offer control, data privacy and security by providing call analytics at the Edge (on-premise).

Edge deployment

Our solutions offer control, data privacy and security by providing call analytics at the Edge (on-premise).



